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All things Admin


Let's talk about the administration section! This section is the place to go for the admin(s) of an account to manage anything from security settings, users on the account, account customization, billing, and more. 🙌



How to become an admin

Before anything, let’s first clarify how someone is or becomes an admin. You are an automatically an  admin if you created the account or were added as an admin by another administrator on your account.

Note: To read more about how to add another admin to your account, check out this article.


Locating the administration section

You can find the administration section by clicking on your profile picture in the top right corner of your screen. From the resulting menu, select "Administration" as so:



The administration section consists of multiple sections within it. Let's check out how each section works. 👇



  • Profile

You are able to change your account name and the URL you use to log in to your account. Check out this article to learn more about it.Group 35 (4).png


  • Account 

You can also change the first day of the work week by selecting your weekend to either "Friday- Saturday" or "Saturday- Sunday", and decide to show or hide weekends within the Timeline. Selecting "Hide Weekends" here will grey out the weekends displayed within your Timeline Column and will only allow you to select dates within the work week.

You can also choose to export your entire account's data from this section as well. 

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Tip: Individual users on the account can set their work week via their profile section, which will change the appearance of their calendar by showing either Sunday or Monday as the first day. However, as this feature is only for personal presentational purposes, this will not change the functionality of the defined work week on the account. 


As the admin, you can add or adjust work schedules for different teams based on their location, time off and working hours. This ensures that the different ways your users work, will be accurately accounted for. 

To do this, start by selecting "Work schedule" and "Add a schedule" and choosing your team's weekly workdays and hours. Within the work schedule, you can select your days off, you can select specific days within the year as exceptional days off, whether it may be a public holiday or a company day off, so that you can make sure the relevant people will not be scheduled as working for those days. Click next once again, assign a team to this schedule, and then you're good to go!

Add Work Schedule Ne.gif

Note: Multiple teams can be allocated the same working schedule. The user's schedule will be the first team they were added to and will not update automatically if they are assigned to a new team.


Tip: The work schedule will only impact the Workload view and widget, as it reflects the users availability; working days, time off and working hours.


By default, only admins have the ability to add, edit, or assign work schedules. However, there are two account permissions that can be granted to non-admins for more flexibility:

"Edit schedules" permission allows members to create new schedules and edit all existing ones, including the default schedule. However, they cannot assign or change who is assigned to each schedule.

With "Assign users to schedules" permission, members can manage who is assigned to each schedule, including the default schedule, by adding or removing teams. Note that this permission is only effective if the "Edit schedules" permission has also been granted.

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  • Branding

You are able to change the logo on the top right-hand corner to your own logo. You can also change the e-mail header. The email header is the logo that will appear for the e-mail notifications. This article explains how to change your logo and branding.



  • Features

You can also enable or disable the GIFs from this section. You can also enable or disable link and file preview. 


At the bottom of this section, you have the option to enable or disable pre-made due date reminders and pre-made status updates. Both of these options refer to automations. Enabling either of these options will create automations on every board in the account.

Note: In addition to the above, Enterprise accounts have the option to disable "welcome" emails when users are invited to an account. 


  • Boards

You can create default status labels for your monday.com account. This is useful to stay aligned and keeping the same statuses across your boards. To learn how to create default labels, check out this article.



  • User profile

Customize the fields that your teammates will be required to fill in on their profiles. You can flag the fields that you want to appear in their contact list title. It can be anything you want: title, floor, location, favorite pizza topping, and more!Group 64 - 2024-10-21T162245.654.png


  • User notifications

Through the "User notifications" tab, you can customize the default email notification settings that are in place for each new user added to an account. All you need to do is select any email notifications that you'd like every new user to receive by default, or de-select any email notification settings that you prefer any new user not to receive!




  • Users

This is the place where you can manage all the users of your monday.com account. Whether you want to see the list of active users, deactivate a user or more, this section has got you covered! You can see who the admins of the account are, under the User role column, and also add a new Admin to your account from here by changing the relevant user's type to Admin:Group 64 - 2024-10-21T162509.780.png


For more information about how to manage users on your account, check out this article. 


  • Departments

If your organization is split up into multiple different departments, you can easily add the departments that you have within your company from the "Departments" tab and then assign each user to the relevant one through the user management section! 


Note: The ability to manage departments on the account is available on the Enterprise plan only. 


  • Board Ownership

Did someone leave your account and a board is left without a board owner? From this section you can assign a new owner to a board. You can read all about it right here


Note:  If the admin of your account left the organization and that you need a new admin, please reach out to our customer support team right here


  • Automations Ownership

From this tab, you can transfer the ownership of automations from one person to another to provide the relevant person with the ability to edit or delete the respective automations. Group 64 - 2024-10-21T162831.122.png



  • Login

In this section, you are able to manage how your users sign up to and log into your monday.com account. To learn more about restricting who can add new users and join your account, check this out. Regarding log in, we currently offer Two Factor Authentication, Google Authentication and SAML. You are also able to define which users need to login with the chosen method as well as the password policy for your team.

Note:  Pro plans are able to use Google Authentication only. Enterprise plans are able to use all sign-in options. 


  • Audit

The audit log will give you a detailed report of who logged in last, the IP address, the browser and the OS used. Group 64 - 2024-10-21T163024.165.png


Note:  This feature is available on the Enterprise plan only.


  • Compliance

Organizations such as hospitals, doctors' offices, health plans or just any company dealing with protected health information (PHI) are required to be HIPAA-compliant. If you are one of those, you can unlock the HIPAA compliance in this section. For more information, check out this article. 

Note:  This feature is available on the Enterprise plan only.


  • Advanced

Have your team's login credentials been compromised? You can activate Panic Mode to make sure no one can access your monday.com account until the threat is over.Group 64 - 2024-10-21T163221.423.png


Note:  This feature is available on the Enterprise plan only.


  •  Sessions

As an admin, you have the ability to view details about the sessions for all account users such as where they logged in from, the IP address, last usage date, and more. In the event that there are any security concerns with a user or a user's session, the admin can sign out account members right from the Sessions Log. Additionally, from this section, the admin can also select Log out all account users on the top right of the screen to instantly log out everyone from your account.Group 64 - 2024-10-21T163412.562.png


Note:  This feature is available on the Enterprise plan only.


API Token

In this section you will find your personal API token as well a company API token. To learn more about our API, check out this articleGroup 39.png



All your billing and plan details can be managed easily in the billing section of your monday.com account. We have a full article about it that you can access right here


In addition to changing your plan, you can also cancel your account in this section. You can read more here on how to cancel your account.



In the "Usage stats" tab of the admin section, you can explore and analyze the different ways that your account is being used by its members. 

  • Insights

The insights tab provides you with robust statistics, analytics and insights into your monday.com account usage. You can read all about how account insights works in this article.


Note:  Account insights is available on the Enterprise plan only. The following tabs within "Usage stats", however, are available on all plan types.


  • Storage Stats

You are also able to see a breakdown of the storage used within your account. Each plan comes with a different storage. You can see the difference in our plans right here


  • Automation Stats

Our automations stats page shows usage stats of the past month in terms of automation use. You can see how many actions were used out of the total available to be used, active automations, creators, boards, and active workflows.Group 40.png

  • Integrations Stats

Our integrations stats page shows usage stats of the past month in terms of integration use. You can see how many actions were used out of the total available to be used, active integrations, creators, boards, and active workflows.Group 41.png

  • Advanced Stats

Our amazing stats page shows usage stats of the past month in some interesting categories such as your top boards, top creators or top communicators.Group 64 - 2024-10-21T163834.073.png


Tidy Up

The tidy up section is a summary of all the active boards you currently have within your account. You can archive them from there. You can also access all the archived boards by clicking on "archived boards". To learn more about it click right here. Group 64 - 2024-10-21T163947.433.png


Content directory

Available on the Enterprise plan, the content directory section provides account admins with the ability to view and manage the contents of an account at a high-level.Group 64 - 2024-10-21T164105.943.png



In the "Apps" section, you can see any Apps installed from the monday apps marketplace across the account. You can also choose to uninstall any downloaded apps from here if you wish. In the "Pending installs" section, you can see which apps have not finished installing yet and approve their completion or delete them as you choose.Group 42.png



Keep control of who can do what on your account by setting up account permissions. This type of permission allows you to manage easily who can use certain features. This article covers how to set up account permissions.  Group 64 - 2024-10-21T164256.631.png


Note:  This feature is available on the Enterprise plan only.


Cross account copier

In this section, you will be able to copy boards from one account to another in a very easy way! We have written a step by step guide about it right here. Group 64 - 2024-10-21T164409.706.png





If you have any questions, please reach out to our team right here. We’re available 24/7 and happy to help.