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WorkCanvas account administration



Admins on the WorkCanvas account are members with extended rights to manage the account; including user management and deletion of the account 👑

All WorkCanvas administration settings are managed via the monday.com Administration section. If you have an existing monday.com account, WorkCanvas will be automatically linked to that account. However, if your WorkCanvas account is independent of a monday.com account, then a Free Plan monday.com account will be created for you, to enable administration services.


Starting from a new account 

To begin your WorkCanvas journey and be able to access the Administration page on monday.com, you will need to confirm your account via the confirmation email that was sent to you upon registration. Once confirmed, you will have access to the linked monday.com account, and therefore the Administration section. 

WC- Confirm email address.png


Access the Administration page

The Administration section of your WorkCanvas account is where admins of the account can manage account settings. To access the Administration page, click on your profile icon in the top right-hand corner of your homepage, and select "Settings". You will be taken directly to your Administration page. 


WC-Access Administration Page.gif


Invite users to the account

As an admin of the account, you can invite new users to the account either through the Administration section, or via your WorkCanvas home page. To invite new members via the Administration section, in the "Users" tab, select the blue "Invite" button in the top right-hand corner of the page. Enter the new users email address in the window that appears.

WC- Add new user via Admin section.gif


Note: For information on how to add a user to your WorkCanvas account, read our article on WorkCanvas user management.


The default monday.com setting, which applies to your WorkCanvas account, is that only admins can invite new users from any email domain. However, the authorized domain setting allows you to define a specific email domain that all users must have in order to join the account.

This setting can be changed to ensure that only users with a specific, authorized email domain can join your account and that non-admins can also invite users to the account which have this email domain.

To access this setting, go to the "Security" tab on the left-hand side of your Administration page. Click on the dropdown arrow next to "Email & password", and select the box next to "Enable the Authorized Domain". Lastly, type in the domain you wish to authorize in the text-box next to "@", and select "Save changes".

WC- Authorized domain.png

If a member or viewer tries to invite someone to the WorkCanvas account who does not have the authorized email domain, they will receive the below error message.

WC- Email Domain Invite Fail.png


Note: If the owner of the account signed up for WorkCanvas with a specific domain address (i.e. @monday.com) and not a gmail or outlook address, the default setting is that all members will be able to add new users with that same domain address.


Manage Users on the account

From within the "Users" tab on the left-hand panel of the Administration page, admins can see all users on their account, manage their roles, and deactivate users. 

WC Admin page-Users 1.png


Note: For more information on user types, read our article on WorkCanvas user types explained.  


Cancel your WorkCanvas account 

As an admin of the account, you can cancel your account at any time during your paid subscription. From within your Administration page, select the "Billing" tab on the left-hand panel. Click on "Cancel my account" at the bottom right-hand corner of your screen. 

WC- Cancel my account.png


Note: In order to fully cancel your WorkCanvas account you will need to downgrade your subscription to the free plan first. For further information on downgrading your subscription, read our article on WorkCanvas activation, billing, and pricing


You will see a message asking you to select your reason for canceling. To continue, choose a reason. You are welcome to provide some details, but you aren't required to provide details in order to proceed with cancelation. Once you have selected a reason, click "Cancel plan".

WC- Cancel account 1.png

You will now see a screen informing you that you will no longer be able to access your account data. If you want to proceed, click "Close Account".

WC- Cancel account 2.png


Note: By selecting "Close account" you are choosing to delete both your WorkCanvas account as well as your linked monday.com account. For account admins that wish to delete WorkCanvas only, whilst maintaining their existing monday.com account, please contact support to assist you. 





If you have any questions, please reach out to our team right here. We’re available 24/7 and happy to help.