What can we help you with?

The portfolio solution

Who can use this feature:
Available on monday work management
Available only on Enterprise plans


The portfolio solution provides a ready-to-go workflow to oversee all your portfolio management needs. Filled with all the relevant and customizable columns, settings, views, and more, the portfolio solution is the place for portfolio and project managers to collaborate and execute with confidence, all while having the ability to easily report on their success across the organization.

Get started managing your portfolios from the get-go, with limited manual work from your end. 📈

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Note: The portfolio solution is available for our Enterprise customers on the Work Management product.


Overview of the solution

The portfolio solution is comprised of two fully customizable parts:

  • Portfolio board: This board provides a high-level, birds-eye overview of all projects in your portfolio to see where everything stands at a glance. 
  • Project board: This board will be used to manage the low-level details of every project together with your team, and will be connected and synced directly to the portfolio overview so that all the necessary details of each project board will be visible in one centralized place.

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How to get started

The monday.com portfolio solution can be added to your account from the left pane. To get started, click on the blue plus sign, select "New Portfolio", provide it with a name, decide whether the board will be Main or Private, and your brand new portfolio board will be ready in your account within a few moments!



We'll dive into more details about the portfolio board in this section of the article, however, in essence, the portfolio board allows you to connect and sync multiple low-level projects to it, providing you with a visual, interactive place to understand all of the high level details of your projects!

To create a new project from your portfolio board, click on "Add project" and then select on "Create new project" afterwards. All you have to do next is name it, click on "Create" and then a new project is instantly added and connected to your portfolio - no need to make any manual connections on your end!

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You also have the option to connect an existing project board from your account! With either option, as soon as you create a new project from here, it will be instantly connected to your portfolio, with all the information synced from the connected project(s) for you to track.

To add an existing project board to your portfolio, click on the "Add project" button at the top left, and then select one of the boards from your account.

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In parallel, you can also create a new project board through the same "+" menu on the left side on your screen and then add it to your chosen portfolio later on by following the steps outlined above.Group 1 - 2024-02-11T093839.616.png


Portfolio board

Utilizing automatic connections to instantly sync relevant information from your projects, the Portfolio board acts as a high-level overview of all the projects within your portfolio. Use this board to understand where each project stands, to easily identify issues and bottlenecks and drill down to understand what caused them and how to solve them. 🙌

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Note: The names of all connected project boards will be listed and visible to everyone with access to the portfolio. The contents of the project boards will still only be accessible to those with the relevant permissions. 


If you hover over the project name in the Portfolio board, you can open up the Project Overview. This section allows you to understand more about each individual project by displaying:

  • A Battery Widget showing the project's progress
  • A summary of the status changes, along with notes that you may have included when changing the status
  • A Gantt chart so you can see the planned and actual timelines
  • An updates section so that you can communicate on a high-level about this project
  • Files view to centralize all added files in one place
  • Project Info view which includes an Item Card view and the summary of Status changes and notes

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Note: The owner, project health, and project progress columns are essential for the functionality of the portfolio solution workflow and cannot be removed from a portfolio board.


The Portfolio board also comes ready-made with a Gantt view, allowing you to see the timelines across all of your projects in an interactive high-level view.

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The Portfolio Health Snapshot

The Portfolio Health Snapshot is a unique feature available only within the portfolio solution! This capability is a sleek, all-encompassing view for seeing how your portfolio of projects is progressing at a glance.

Using the portfolio health snapshot, portfolio managers will be able to see the percentage of completed tasks in each project, the planned vs. actual timelines, and much more! Additionally, this view is fully interactive, allowing you to drill down into the details within any project and even make any changes directly from here. 🙌

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The portfolio Risk Insights

The Portfolio Risk Insights is a feature available exclusively within the portfolio management solution. Powered by AI, it automatically analyzes data from each of your project boards and generates daily a list of potential risks for each projects. With this amazing feature, you'll be able to proactively identify and address risks across your entire portfolio. Check out this article to learn more. 


Project board

The Project board uses a variety of different column types to manage all the necessary lower-level details for each new project (created from the left pane, or directly from the Portfolio board) and can easily be adjusted to best represent your organization's needs. 

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Show me which column types are used on this board
  • The people column is used to assign ownership for each item (or task) and to help create accountability amongst the team.
  • The status column is used to display the status of each task at a glance.
  • The priority column allows you to assign a priority level to each one of your tasks.
  • The timeline column allows you to indicate the duration in which each task is set to be completed.
  • The dependency column lets you define relationships between each of your items and to help easily adjust timelines if a certain task gets delayed.
  • A few different numbers columns are used to show the length of each task, the planned vs. spent effort, and the budget.
  • The date column displays the completion date for each item.
  • Finally, the connect boards column creates a link between the current project and your portfolio board, so that everything stays synced and aligned at all times.
Note: The people, status, and timeline columns cannot be deleted from a project board, as they are mandatory for accurate tracking and management of project tasks. 


Each project board also comes equipped with a Gantt View to oversee project timelines, dependencies, and milestones, as well as a detailed project overview section to understand project insights and changes at a glance.

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Other than the behind-the-scene connections that are created between a newly created project board and the portfolio board (via the Connect Board and Mirror Columns), all of the columns, views, and setups on this board are editable and available for your own customization! 

Furthermore, as long as your project is connected to a portfolio, you will have access to the Overview Section at the top of your board, where you can see a helpful summary of your project's tasks! You can also easily change the health status of the entire project. This can be done by changing the status from the top left corner and even adding a quick description about the change. Any changes will be reflected directly within the connected project on the portfolio overview!

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Note: You can connect 200 project boards per portfolio.   


Your feedback counts!

As always, we would love to hear what you think about the new features that we release! If you're interested in providing us with feedback on your experience with the new portfolio solution, you can do so by filling out this form. 🌟


If you have any questions, please reach out to our team right here. We’re available 24/7 and happy to help.