When using our awesome automations and integrations, it is important to keep in mind that there is a limit for the amount of triggers and actions that can run per minute. This limit is referred to as a "rate limit".
Read on to understand why rate limits are in place, what happens if you reach the rate limit, and how to prevent these rate limits from being reached.
Automation rate limits
For our automations, we have a limit in place within our own monday.com API in which each recipe can perform a certain amount of triggers or actions per minute.
This limit may be reached if:
- you have an automation loop in place causing automation recipes to continue triggering endlessly
- you are using the API or webhooks to trigger your automations
- you use Batch Actions to trigger many automation recipes at once
Integration rate limits
Integration rate limits are set according to the third-party application's API in order to prevent an overload on their servers (these rate limits are not set by monday.com).
For example, in our Outlook integration, the rate limit is set by Outlook which will prevent anyone from creating too many actions from monday.com within Outlook per minute (such as sending too many emails at once, for example).
Similar to automation rate limits, the integration rate limit may be reached if:
- you have an integration loop in place place causing integration recipes to continue triggering endlessly
- you are using the API or webhooks to trigger your integrations
- you use Batch Actions to trigger many integration recipes at once
What happens when a rate limit is reached
If you happen to reach the automation or integration rate limit that we have in place, you’ll receive a notification to notify you that your automation or integration has failed to run. If your automation or integration continues to trigger, it may run eventually with a delay. In addition, you'll also see this delay presented within your automations Run history.
How to avoid reaching a rate limit
Looking for ways to prevent reaching a rate limit? Here are some tips to help you out.
For automation rate limits:
- We recommend identifying the reason the automation was triggered this many times in one minute (whether it was through API, webhook, automation loop, or batch actions) and adjusting your workflow accordingly so that this limit will not be reached in the future.
- Try to simplify your workflow! If you can achieve similar results while removing any automations that aren't completely necessary, it could potentially help this situation.
For integration rate limits:
- Similar to automations, we recommend identifying the reason the integration was triggered this many times in one minute and adjusting your workflow accordingly so that this limit will not be reached in the future.
- You can also try to enlarge the quota that you have through the third-party app that you are integrating with
- Finally, you can split up your integration templates between accounts. For example, if you are sending multiple emails via the Outlook Integration, you can try to split it up between a few different connected Outlook accounts, thus reducing the load on each individual Outlook account.
Complexity limits
Similar to the rate limits mentioned above, monday.com also has another limit in place for the amount of general activities or actions (such as moving items, using batch actions, mirroring information from other boards, etc.) that your account can do in a specific period of time.
These limits are known as complexity limits and they are in place in order to help reduce the load on our servers and prevent any possible performance issues within the platform.
Complexity limits are defined by a calculation that determines the strain that a given action will add to our system. This limit is reset every 60 seconds and is defined per account (not per user) regardless of the plan type.
What happens when you hit the limit?
If you happen to hit the complexity limit, you'll instantly receive a notification message letting you know that the limit has been reached. The notification will read: "One of your automations has failed. Notice: Too many automatons were running at the same time. Click here to view it."
Additionally, the action that led to the complexity limit being reached may be delayed or fully canceled, depending on the situation that occurred. You can view further details about this error by visiting the Automations Activity under your current Board Automations in the Automation Center.
In the event that this happens, we recommend trying to perform "smaller" actions (perhaps moving items manually, or selecting fewer items when using batch actions).
Additionally, we recommend checking if there are any loops in your automations that are making them run endlessly and thus causing you to perform too many actions on your account at once.
If you have any questions, please reach out to our team right here. We’re available 24/7 and happy to help.