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How to cancel and delete your account


If you have decided to close your account, please read the steps in this article to learn how.


A few notes

  • Only an admin can close an account. If you are not an admin, reach out to the admin for assistance. If your admin is no longer available, reach out to our team for assistance here
  • Trial users don't need to do anything! You can continue to use your account until the end of the trial. After that, as long as you don't upgrade, your account will become inactive.
  • If you want to stop your trial early, follow the steps below for paying users. As a reminder, no credit card information was taken when you signed up for the free trial.


How to cancel your account

Note: To cancel your account, please use the web version of monday.com. Only admins can cancel an account.


Click on your profile picture and choose "Administration" from the menu.



Select "Billing" from the menu on the left. Click on "Close my account" at the bottom right-hand corner of your screen. 



You will see a message asking you to select your reason for canceling. To continue, choose a reason. You are welcome to provide some details, but you aren't required to provide details in order to proceed with cancelation.

Once you have selected a reason, click "Cancel plan".


You will now see a screen informing you that you will no longer be able to access your account data. If you want to proceed, click "Close Account".



Ending a subscription

After you have canceled your plan, you will see one last screen, notifying you of the end date for your current plan. If you'd like to proceed with the cancelation, click "Cancel plan renewal".



After you cancel

Once your account is closed, your account will be moved to a free trial for 7 days. After the 7 days are up, your account will become inactive and you and your team will no longer be able to sign in.

If you want to delete your data after closing your account, take a look at the "Delete your data" section of this article.


Delete your data

Once you cancel your subscription, you will be able to decide whether or not you would like to keep your account's data to access it later or if you would like to delete it.


Currently, our policy is to keep all data available by default so that it will be available in case you would like to access it later. However, we can not guarantee that we will continue this practice indefinitely, and we reserve the right to delete data from an inactive account at any time. 


Note: Please note that once an account is completely deleted, it cannot be reversed.


Refund policy

Our refund policy allows for a prorated refund on yearly or two-yearly plans that have been canceled within 30 days of purchase. To request a refund, you must provide us a written notice during this time period. Once the refund is requested, your account will be closed upon the request for a refund. For more information on refunds, check out this article


Note: Please note that refund do not apply for a renewal of a monthly subscription.


Unsubscribe from emails

If an email happens to sneak through after your cancellation, please click the "Unsubscribe" button at the bottom of that email. This should prevent you from receiving any future emails from monday.com. 



We're sorry to hear that monday didn't work out for you, and we'd love to know if there's anything we can do to continue working with you! Please write in with any feedback you may have. We hope you will check us out again in the future! 😊



If you have any questions, please reach out to our team right here. We’re available 24/7 and happy to help.