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The Timeline Widget


Who can use this feature:
Available on Standard, Pro, and Enterprise plans


Looking for a sleek new way to stay on top of all of your time-sensitive tasks? The Timeline Widget works together with the Timeline Column to give you a visual representation of the timelines and deadlines of all your ongoing projects. It allows you to see at a glance the timeframe you and your team have to complete a task or project and to plan accordingly. 


How it works  

To use the Timeline View or Widget, you need to have one of the following time-based columns on your board.

See what columns are needed for the Timeline
The Timeline View and Widget work as long as your board one of more of the following columns:


You have the option to view your timeline via a board view on a single board or to view multiple timelines at once in a Dashboard. With dashboards, you will be able to see timelines from multiple projects in one place while the board views will allow you to see the timeline of one specific project. 


Add the Timeline Widget

To add the Timeline Widget click on the "+Add widget" button located at the top left-hand corner of your screen and select "More widgets". From within the Widget Center search for "Timeline" and select "Add widget". 

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Tip: Interested in setting the Timeline as your default board view? Click on the three dot menu next to "Timeline" in the board view section and select "Set as board default" from the dropdown menu. To learn more about board defaults, check out the "Board Default" section in this article


Settings and Customization

Fully customize your Timeline Widget so you can visualize your project in the way that works best for you! Click on the three dot menu in the top right of your widget and select "Settings" from the dropdown menu to access the customization options.

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  • Choose time columns

Choose which time columns you want displayed on your timeline. For instance, if you have more than one Timeline Column, Date Column, or Week Column, you can choose the particular ones that you want showcased.

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Tip: Subitems are supported in the Timeline Widget! Choose which subitem columns you want displayed in the "Choose Timeline columns" section in Settings. 🎉 


  • Group timeline bars

Here, you have the option to organize the bars in your timeline however you'd like! You can group them based on some of the columns on your board or by the groups on your board! This can help you manage your tasks, resources, or just give you a visual overview of where everything stands. 

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Once you've chosen how you'd like to see your timeline bars grouped, you can customize it even further by collapsing and expanding certain groups! Just click the group to collapse, and then click again when you want to expand!

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  • Color your items however you want

Visualize your timeline according to your color preferences! Go to "Color By" in the Settings dropdown menu to color items according to group, column, board, or no color setting at all. The colors shown are the colors you already have chosen for your board's Main Table View. 

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Tip: Include a color legend at the bottom of your timeline so you can see what corresponds to each color to understand the visual clearly. Tick "Show Color Legend" in the "View Settings" option in the Settings menu.


Time and Date Customization

  • Select timeframe

You can choose to view the items in your timeline by days, weeks, months, quarters, or years.  Click the drop-down menu at the top-right corner of your screen to select a time scale. You can also use the '+' and '-' buttons to zoom in and out within any time scale. 

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Note:  You can choose whether or not to display weekends in your timeline. For more information on this setting read our Timeline Column article


  • Set workdays and weekends

You can choose whether you want your timeline to display Sunday or Monday as the first day of the week! Click "Edit" beside "Set workdays" in the settings panel to be redirected to your account's weekday settings. Check out this article to learn more about it.

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Note:  Only the account admin is able to set workdays and weekends and this selection will be applied across the entire account. 


  • Show today indication

The blue bar running vertically through your board indicates today's date. This is a great point of reference so that you always know where you stand compared to the start and end dates on your timeline. You can remove the blue bar by deselecting "Show Today Indication".

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Include Milestones

Milestones are important dates, rather than a range of dates associated with a task or event. To set a milestone that will appear on your timeline, simply select one date, and click "Set as milestone" at the bottom of your calendar pop-up window (shown below). Milestones will appear in the shape of a diamond in your timeline and will be colored according to the item's status label. 

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In your Main Table View, a milestone will appear with a diamond to the left colored according to the group it belongs to. If your Timeline Column is set in Deadline Mode, the diamond will be colored according to the item's status. This means that if the item was done on time, the milestone will be green, and if it is overdue, it will appear red.


Note: Milestones are only available from the Pro plan and up.


Update your items directly from the widget

All you have to do is click any of the bars in the Timeline Widget to open up the item's card. From here, you can make any changes and updates without having to go back and forth to your Main Board. These changes will be updated within your board as well!

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Tip:  Need to shift the dates of dependent items on your timeline? That's easy! You can select the items you want and shift all their timelines by however many days you want. 


Filter your timeline

You can filter your timeline to display only the information you want to see! The filters can be applied temporarily, or saved for future reference. Click on the "funnel filter" icon at the top of the screen, and then select all of the filters you want to use. You can filter using Advanced or Quick Filters

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Tip:  The number beside the filter icon represents the number of filters currently applied to your timeline. If you seem to be missing items, chances are you've applied a filter, so be sure to glance at the icon to know for sure!


Check out The Gantt

If you like the timeline, you'll LOVE the Gantt Widget just as much as we do! It's similar to the timeline in the sense that your items are displayed across a calendar in the form of bars, but the Gantt Widget shows your items in a descending waterfall scheme for a more comprehensive visual. The Gantt is a sophisticated and fully customizable tool that works flexibly with your project!

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If you have any questions, please reach out to our team right here. We’re available 24/7 and happy to help.