Do you have lots of data that you're managing on your board? Are you looking to take the information from your board and group it together in anyway that you wish? Well, you're in luck! We're proud to introduce our new "Group by" feature which allows you to slice, dice, and organize your data with more freedom than ever before. 🎉
Locating the feature
To locate this feature, simply click on the "Group by" button on the top pane of your board, as shown below:
How it works
The "Group by" feature works by allowing you to rearrange the way the items on your board are grouped according to a column of your choice. For example, on our Marketing Plan board, we are looking to have our items organized according to the "Source / Channel" column.
To do this, we'll select the "Group by" feature and choose the "Source / Channel" column from the dropdown menu and we'll instantly see the items on the board rearrange accordingly. The "Group by" feature supports creating up to 500 unique groups!
Now, we have all of our items organized according to their source/channel. 🙌
Group by sorting
Depending on your column choice in Group by, you can sort the items in various ways, including alphabetically, order of labels, lowest to highest, earliest to latest, system default, and so much more! To sort your Group by items, choose your Group by column, and choose an option from the "Select sorting option" dropdown menu.
Supported columns
There are many supported columns that can be utilized by the Group by feature, ensuring you can sort through the data on your board in an efficient and succinct way.
The People Column, Connect Boards Column, and Dropdown Column types require configuration in order to be utilized by the Group by feature. In order to group your board according to these columns, the column settings need to be restricted to "1".
To configure this setting, click on the three dots in the top right-hand corner of the column, select "Settings", and then "Customize column". From the window that appears, limit the column to "1".
The Mirror Column is also supported by Group by as long as the Connect Boards column that it is linked to is configured to "1", as mentioned above. The following column types within a Mirror Column are supported in Group by;
- Status Column
- Date Column
- Rating Column
- Checkbox Column
Save it as a new view
Looking to easily access your new grouping the next time you come into your board? If you want to save your new board grouping for future use, you can click on "Save as new view" as shown below.
After naming the view as you wish, it will be saved as a view on the top of your board for easy access whenever you need!
Use case
While the use cases for the "Group by" feature are nearly endless, one way it can be utilized is to help with the prioritization of your tasks or projects! To do this, start by having a Status or Rating column on your board to indicate priority for each item.Next, you can use the "Group by" feature to select the column which indicates priority on your board! Your board will then instantly be organized according to priority so you can tackle the most urgent items first and ensure that your work gets completed in an effective way. 💥
If you have any questions, please reach out to our team right here. We’re available 24/7 and happy to help.