To keep your information safe and secure, we offer several different types of permissions—account permissions, board types, board permissions, column permissions, and dashboard permissions. Dashboard permissions or restrictions are meant to give the owner of the dashboard control over what information can be changed on the dashboard level.
Dashboard Types
Unlike boards, there are only two types of dashboards; Main and Private. There are no Shareable Dashboards because all dashboards can be shared following the steps in the next section of this article.
Main Dashboards - Can be viewed and interacted with by any team members in your account.
Private Dashboards - Are visible only to dashboard subscribers. Learn how to subscribe team members in the next section of this article.
Change a dashboard type
When you create a new dashboard, it is automatically created as a Main Dashboard, but you can easily make it private by clicking the 3 dot menu at the top right corner of your dashboard and selecting "Change type to Private", like this:
Switch it back to Main at any time, by following the same steps, this time selecting "Change type to Main".
Dashboard members and owners
- Dashboard Members
Dashboard members are people who are able to view and interact with a dashboard. On a Main Dashboard, anyone on the account can view the data and make themselves a member. On Private Dashboards, members must be invited by a dashboard owner using the following steps.
Click "Share" in the top right corner of your dashboard, and then click "Dashboard members":
You'll see a pop-up window with a list of members, Click the search bar and begin typing in the name or email address of the team member you'd like to add to your dashboard. You can remove a member from your dashboard by clicking the 'x' beside their name, just like this:
- Dashboard Owners
By default, the person who created the board is automatically a dashboard owner. Owners will see a blue crown next to their name on the list of dashboard subscribers. To add more owners, click on the grey crown icon beside the subscriber's name to turn it blue, making them an owner!
Invite guests to your dashboard
You can invite anyone to view your dashboard by clicking "Share" and then selecting "Invite to the dashboard", like this:
Copy the link produced, and send to whoever you'd like, or you simply type the guest's email address into the field below, and click "Send" to send them an invite to the dashboard by email.
Who can make changes to dashboards?
Only dashboard owners can edit the dashboard itself and the apps and widgets within the dashboard. Some actions only dashboard owners can carry out include:
- Toggling to "Edit" mode
- Moving and resizing widgets
- Adding new widgets
- Deleting widgets
- Adding or deleting connected boards
- Subscribing or unsubscribing team members or guests
- Changing dashboard type
- Renaming or deleting the dashboard
Some actions that everyone who is a dashboard subscriber, or a team member viewing a Main Dashboard can carry out include:
- Viewing the list of dashboard guests, owners, and subscribers
- Switching to Dark or Light Mode
- Viewing in TV/ Presentation Mode
- Duplicating the dashboard
- Adding the dashboard to your favorites
- Filtering widgets
- Viewing connected boards
- Viewing widgets in full screen
- Drilling down on widgets (this has a different meaning for each widget)
Requesting access
Private Dashboards cannot be viewed by account members or guests who are not subscribed to the dashboard or one or more of the connected boards. If you come across a dashboard that you do not have access to, you will see a message that looks like this:
If you wish to access the dashboard, you can request access from the dashboard owner! Simply click "Ask for Permissions" at the bottom of the message to send a message to the owner.
The owner of the dashboard will receive an email that looks like this:
To grant access, the owner can click the "Open dashboard sharing" button to subscribe the team member!
If the team member or guest is not subscribed to one or more of the connected boards, the owner will see the message below, allowing them to easily grant the requestor access to those boards with just the click of a button!
Once access is granted, the requestor will receive an email that looks like the picture below. They can click the "View in" button for a quick link straight to the dashboard.
If you have any questions, please reach out to our team right here. We’re available 24/7 and happy to help.