We bet that you have some great boards that include everything you're working on. They're thorough, organized, and detailed, but you may still find yourself getting a little overwhelmed scanning and reviewing everything each day. Great news - now you don't have to!
We've created a widget that will break down your board and display your items by date in a visually appealing calendar - the Calendar Widget! 🗓
How it works
The Calendar Widget is a great tool to use for meetings with clients, scheduling appointments, and displaying the dates from your items in calendar mode. You can filter the widget based on month, week, and day, according to your preference! In one widget, you can see all of the items you have coming up without getting bogged down by the things that can wait a little longer.
You can view your calendars within one board via a board view, or multiple boards via a Dashboard 🎉
Add the Calendar Widget
To add the Calendar Widget click on the "+Add widget" button located at the top left-hand corner of your screen and select "More widgets". From within the Widget Center search for "Calendar" and click on "Add widget".
When you open your calendar, today's date will always be highlighted in blue so that you can always find where you stand right now!
Settings and Customization
Open up your Calendar settings by clicking on the cogwheel icon at the top right corner:
- Choose time column
If you have more than one time column on your board (Timeline, Date, or Week Column), then you can choose which ones will be displayed in your Widget! From here, you can change what you want to display in your calendar by selecting which of the compatible columns you want to showcase in your calendar.
- Color your items however you want
Your calendar automatically color codes the events according to the group that the items come from. To adjust this, you can use the drop-down menu to choose how you want them to be colored! You can choose to color by groups (using the colors of your groups), Status Column (using the colors of your labels), or People!
Time and date customization
You can view the items in your Calendar Widget by month, week, or day. In the screenshot below, we're viewing the 'Month' tab in the calendar in order to see the items that need to be completed throughout the month ahead!
Use the arrows to jump to the next or previous month, week, or day (depending on which tab you're viewing!). If you get lost, you can always click the 'Today' button to bring you back to today's date on the calendar!
View your item card
If you want to see and edit additional details about one of the items in your calendar, all you have to do is click on it within the calendar to expand the item card! Change the information in any of the groups you have in your board, from its status or date, to the group that the item belongs to, and more!
Additional settings
- Search within your calendar
Use key words to search for anything specific within your calendar! Let's say you just want to see a specific delivery location for the month. Enter the detail in the search bar as seen below and only items matching the description will appear!
- Filter your calendar
Use the "Filter" button to filter your calendar by any column including Group, Person, Status, Date, and more! Just select any of the filters you want, and then you can even click "Save to this view" to see these results every time you open your Calendar Widget!
- Share view
Learn more about sharing your board views here.
If you have any questions, please reach out to our team right here. We’re available 24/7 and happy to help.