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Alerts and Reminders with Automations


Looking for a way to be automatically notified of approaching or past due items on your monday.com board? Using monday.com automations, you can now create a due date reminder by scheduling an automation based on a date or timeline column (whether it's set in Deadline Mode or not).

There are a couple of ways to set up your due date reminders: (1) from your automations center or (2) directly from your date or timeline column menu. This article covers both methods.



Alerts from the Automations Center 

You can find a wide range of automation recipes under the "Due Dates" tab of the automation center.


   The When parameter above can be configured to:

  1. Run exactly when the date arrives.
  2. Schedule the automation to run on a relative time.
  3. When a date has passed. This means the automation will run at midnight after the date has passed. This recipe does not work retroactively.


Note: Learn how to configure your automation here: monday.com Automations.



Alerts with Custom Automations

You can create reminders with custom automations as well! This will be particularly useful if you're using a timeline column and would like to set a reminder or alert for the start date of the timeline. This is only possible with custom automations.


Note: You can not set reminders for the start date of a timeline column unless you're using custom automations.



Alerts from your column menu

You can also add a reminder directly from your date or timeline column! You will be presented with two different selections depending on whether your date column is set-up as a deadline.


1. Date column isn't set-up as a deadline:

To set up reminders, simply select the drop-down arrow to open up the column menu settings and select "Add/Edit Date Reminders".


You'll be navigated to the following automation "When date arrives, notify someone." The specified column will automatically be filled - you'll just need to choose when you'd like the notification to run and who you'd like to notify.



2. Date column is set up as a deadline mode:

If you have already linked your date or timeline column together with a status column in Deadline Mode, you'll experience a slightly different setup. As above, open up your column menu. You'll see instead the option to "Set Due Date Reminders".


When clicked you'll be navigated to the recipe: "When date arrives and status isn't something, notify someone". Again, the column that you've selected will be pre-filled, as will the status column to which it is linked. You'll need to define the when field, as well as who you would like to be notified.



Note: You can also set your own alerts to upcoming item deadlines by connecting monday.com to your calendar. Learn more about setting up reminders using calendar integration here.  



How to configure the "notify" field

The notify column can be customized to your team's needs. Click on your columns in the "Supported Fields" box to add a dynamic element to your automated notifications. 



Note: The notify section doesn't support HTML formatting at this time. 



Column Support for "notify" field

Some column types are currently not supported in the "notify" field of the automation     

Show me which columns
  • Formula
  • Auto Number
  • Progress
  • Dependency
  • Link to Item


Note: When adding a date column to the "notify" field in the recipe, the notification sent only supports a *European date* format.


So let's dive into a use case 😀 




  • Everyday, if {due date} has passed and only if {status} is {something}, {notify} {someone}

This example uses a template. This recipe cannot be built with the custom automation builder.

Use case: A sales team needs to send client follow-up emails "x" days after a call. If the client email status isn't marked as done by the due date then a reminder will be sent to the Sales lead until the status is updated. 

Automation- Past due date:notify.png

We will use the following automation recipe: 

Automation- Passed due date.png

Remember! This recipe checks every day at midnight to see if any item's status has changed. If the date has passed, and the status still has not changed, the automation will trigger.


  • When {Birthday Date} arrives, {notify} {someone} and push {Birthday Date} by {12 months}

Use case: The employee experience team needs to keep track of all employees birthdays to send a message and gift on their special day. To streamline this process they need to set up recurring reminders for birthdays.

The date column for each item will be set to the next upcoming birthday date, either this year if birthday is in a later month, or for next year if the birthday has already passed. 

Birthday Automation Board.png


We will use the following automation recipe: 

Birthday Automation Recipe.png

Now the automation will be ready to trigger again the following year on that same date.



If you have any questions, please reach out to our team right here. We’re available 24/7 and happy to help.