You've probably heard the word action in relation to Automations, Integrations, and monday apps. With the introduction of monday workflows, you may be wondering how actions are used when you build a workflow and how they're priced.
The first part of this article will give you a detailed explanation. The second part of this article will teach you how to track and manage your account's actions.
Read on to learn more.
Currently, monday workflows and any actions used by the tool are factored into the Automation action limits for your chosen plan. Actions used by monday workflows will not factor into Integration action limits, regardless of whether you use a third-party tool in your workflow or not.
An action is a main component of our pricing model. You can learn more about pricing by visiting our "Automations and Integrations pricing" article.
What is an "action"?
Every workflow block has a trigger and an action (or multiple actions). Let's look at an example: "When a status changes to something, delete the item"
In this case, the trigger is "When a status changes to something". The action is "delete the item". So, every time an item is deleted, one action is used. If you were to trigger this block three times, three items would be deleted and that would count as three actions used.
Action limits
Every account has an action limit:
- one for Automations, monday workflows, and apps
- one for Integrations
When you build a workflow, and actions used will count towards what we call your Automation limit only. This is true regardless of whether your workflow block communicates with an external tool or not.
Action limit example: Standard plan
There is a 250 action limit for Automations per month on the Standard plan. If an account surpasses its allocation of actions within the month, the number of additional actions used over the 250 limits will be deducted from the next month’s allocation. For example, if 280 Automation actions were used in April, then there will be 220 Automation actions available in May.
You can check whether you're nearing your limit under your account's Account Usage page. For more details, have a look at the "Tracking and controlling actions" section of this article.
To learn more about this, read the "Exceeding your actions" section of this article.
To learn more about the specific action limit for your account, check out the Pricing Page.
How many actions does one workflow use?
There is a great deal of variability in workflows. Generally, the more blocks you create, the more actions you'll use. Some blocks will result in multiple actions being used each time they're triggered. For example:
- Notifications - One action is used for each person notified.
- Sending an email - One action is used for each email sent.
- Recurring tasks - One action is used each time the task is completed. An example: Every time period, create an item. Each time an item is created, one action is used.
Exceeding your actions
When you approach your limit
If you are on track to exceed your action limit, the admin will receive an email warning when the actions used for the month are at X% of the total available actions.
When you exceed your limit
If your account reaches the point that all of your current month’s actions have been used, the account will be blocked from editing or adding new Workflow blocks, Automations, and monday apps.
In this situation, we recommend upgrading. To learn more about which plan is right for you, check out our Automation and Integration Pricing article.
Tracking and controlling actions
As mentioned in the previous section, the admin will receive an email when the account is approaching its action limit.
However, you can monitor the number of actions your account is using at any time. To see you action usage, go to any board and click on the Automate button to open up the Automation Center. From there, click on the Usage tab, where you'll see the number of actions available and used by your account.
You can toggle between Automations and Integrations to see how many actions for each you have left to use.
If you have any questions, please reach out to our team right here. We’re available 24/7 and happy to help.