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The Board Filters



While your boards fill up with tons of information, our board filters can help you easily narrow it down to the specific information that you need (because after all, who likes scrolling!) Draw conclusions, focus on what's important, and save time navigating your boards with the board filters. 🙌


Board filtering options

When it comes to filtering down information from your board, you can choose to use the search bar, the person filter, the quick suggested filter, or the advanced filter option to create a customized rule to filter by. Keep reading to learn more about each of these options! ⬇️


Search bar

The first and perhaps the most intuitive board filter option is the search bar, located at the top left of your board.  Group_1_-_2023-05-04T205019.972.png


When using the search bar, you can customize the columns and values that your search will be performed on within your board! To do this, simply click on the search bar and select the "Search options" button on the right of the search bar, and then check or uncheck columns that you'd like your search to be applied for.



Tip: Try checking or unchecking "All columns" within the filter to make your search more efficient! Do note, the maximum amount of columns which can be checked is 50.


As an example, in the GIF above we added the "Priority", "Status", and "Description" columns from the search. Therefore, if we search for any values that are located in any other columns aside from these, such as the date (October for example), we will not have any search results appear.

If you attempt to search for something and you receive no results, you can easily return to the search bar settings by clicking on "Search options" and then adjust the selected columns, as shown below.



Show me which columns will be pre-selected within the search options
  • If you have over 15 columns on your board for both items and subitems, the first 14 columns from your items, and the "Name" column from your subitems will be selected by default within the search options.
  • If you have over 15 columns on your board only from your items and you have no subitems, then the first 14 columns from your items will be selected by default within the search options.
  • If you have less than 10 columns altogether (from both items and subitems) then all of your column will be selected by default within the search options.


Note: The board search is unable to show data from a Mirror Column which displays information from other Mirror Columns.


Person filter

You can filter your own tasks, or any of your teammates tasks, by clicking on the person icon. From here, you can go ahead and select on the person that you'd like to filter by, and any items assigned to them will be displayed on your board.



Note: This filter will display any items assigned to you through the People Column, as well the Last Updated Column and the Creation Log Column.


Quick suggested filter

To create a quick filter, simply click on the "Filter" icon on the top left side of the board. From there, you can see a list of suggested quick filters that you can click on and filter by without needing to set up your own conditions.

For example, let's say that I want to see all tasks assigned to "Noy: that are high priority, I can click on those two values and only the relevant items which fit this criteria will be shown!


Note: The quick filters are available on the Standard plan and above.


Filters that you've applied previously can be found in the "Recent filters" section here for easy access in the future. 🙌


Tip: The numbers next to each filtering option will display a count of the amount of items which fit the selected criteria on your board!


Advanced filter

Looking to create customized rules to filter your board by? The advanced filtering option allows you to do just that! While clicking on the "Filter" icon itself will open up the quick filters, clicking on the arrow to the right of the "Filter" icon will directly open up the advanced filters.


Note: The advanced filters are available on the Standard plan and above.


Alternatively, you can also access the advanced filter by clicking on the words "Switch to advanced filters" at the bottom of the quick filters pop-up window:


Tip: You can find the filter from the column settings too!


Then, go ahead and choose the column you want to filter by, the condition, and the value. The dropdown will provide results based on the specific conditions and values selected.



By clicking on the "New group" button underneath the filter parameters, you can add new conditions to your filter with "And" or "Or" extensions. Once you've added the new group, you can customize the filter by selecting the column, condition and value of the filter.

Boards- Filter AndOr .gif


Note: To set up additional filtering within a group, simply click "+ New filter" within the grey box outlining the group you've created. 


If you would like to filter your board to see items between two dates, the filtering option will vary depending on whether or not there is a specific time attached to the dates. If there are no specified times included in the dates, the items within the timeframe of the end date will be included. 

BC- Filter between dates without time.gif


However, when there is a time associated with the date, the filter will pull items up to and excluding the end date, as it filters up until 12:00am. In this instance you would select the end date as the following day. As seen in the example below: 

BC- Filter between dates with time.gif


Note: If your board has a date or timeline column and that you wish to filter by date, please note the following: "next week" means the following week Monday-Sunday and not the last 7 days. Same goes for "last week", "next month"... You can change your first day of the week settings right here


Filter by multiple conditions 

In order to filter your board by multiple different conditions in the advanced filter, simply click on the "Add new filter" button at the bottom left of the filter screen. Then, follow the steps again to choose the column that you want to filter by, the condition, and the value you want to display or not, and voilà!


Note:  When adding multiple conditions, you can choose from "AND" or "OR" to allow you to narrow down your results to exactly what you need! 


Filter your subitems 

Not only can you filter the items on your board but you can filter your subitems as well! Since subitems are considered property of the parent item rather than separate entities, we've provided a few different filtering options. This way, no matter how you utilize your subitems, you'll find a filtering method that compliments your workflow in your table view. 



Note: Subitems can only be filtered using Advanced Filters, not Quick Filters. 


How it works

Depending on how you're using subitems on your board, you'll want to use different settings when filtering your subitems. For example, if you treat your subitems as sub-tasks belonging to parent items, you may want to filter your parent items alone or even filter only by your subitem columns. If, for example, you treat your subitems as stand-alone tasks, you may want to filter both subitems and parent items simultaneously. Let's take a look at all of these possibilities. 


  • Filter by parent columns

When you filter by a column belonging to your parent items, filtered results will show all parent items that fit the criteria including all of their subitems, regardless of whether or not the subitems fit the criteria. For example, if you filter where the parent Status Column is "Working on it", you will see all parent items with that label, as well as all of their subitems, including those with other statuses that are not labeled "Working on it". 



  • Filter by subitem columns

When you filter by a subitem column, filtered results will show all subitems that meet the criteria along with their parent item. For example, if you filter where the subitem Status Column is "Done", you will see all subitems with that label, along with the parent item. You will not see any subitems that are marked with other labels. Group_5.png


Note: Because a subitem is the property of its parent item, subitems that pass the filters will always be accompanied by its  parent item. 


  • Filter by both subitem and parent columns

You can filter by both subitem columns and parent columns simultaneously by applying one or more filters to parent columns as well as one or more filters to subitem columns.



In this case, the conditions of our filters are very important to pay attention to. When creating 2 separate filters for parent items and subitems, selecting "AND" or "OR" will change the filtered results. You cannot create conditions in your filter using both "AND" and "OR", but rather must choose one per set of filters. 

Tell me more about this

Let's look at the example of filtering both items and subitems for all "Done" statuses. 

  • When using "AND", you will get results where both the subitem and its parent item are marked "Done". For example, if the item is "Working on it" and the subitem is "Done", you will not see either of these results after filtering.
  • When using "OR", you will get results where either the subitem or its parent item are marked "Done". For example, if the item is "Working on it" and the subitem is "Done", you will see the subitem along with its parent item, even though the parent item's status is not "Done". 




Tip: You can also filter your subitems when using dashboards! Click here to learn all about it.


Create a dynamic 'personal view'

Ever wanted to create a personal, filtered view for every account member, so they can easily see the items assigned to them? Are you looking to avoid creating a separate filtered view for each on the team? If this is the case, look no further! By using the "dynamic" option when filtering the People Column, you can easily create one filtered view that is personal for each assignee on your board!


This amazing filtering option works according to the specific person who is viewing the board. This meaning, if Noy is viewing the board with this filter, she will only see the items assigned to her. On the other hand, if Cassandra is viewing the board with this filter, she will see a different view of only her assigned items!

This can save you loads of time and can help keep your board organized by preventing the need to create ten separate views for a ten person team, and all use one same view instead. 🙌


Note: The dynamic personal filter doesn’t apply when a team is assigned in the People column. This meaning, if you are part of a team that is assigned to an item, that item will not appear when using the dynamic person filter.


Save your filter for quick access

Once you've selected the conditions you're looking to filter by, you can save the filter and get quick access to it the next time. To do so, click on the "Save to this view" button on the top right corner, name the saved view as you wish, and you are good to go!



Automatic Filtering

Once you've selected a new filtered view, and you add a new item to the board in that view, the filter will auto-populate the new item to match the first applicable filter value. This allows you to add new items within a filtered view and have those items automatically apply the condition of the filter. 


Note: This feature is in the process of being gradually released to all Enterprise users. 


As seen in the example below, if your filtered board view is showing all items where the Status Column is "Done", and you add a new item to the board view, the item will automatically be given a "Done" label. 

BC- Auto-populate in Filter .gif


Note: The automatic filtering is available on Enterprise plans and supports the Status Column, Label Column, Priority Column, People Column, and the Connect Boards Column


The automatic filtering will only apply to the first applicable filter value, and will therefore only auto-populate the information based on that first value. 

BC- Auto-populate Filter First Label.gif


If you are using advanced filters with an "and" condition, the automatic filtering will apply to both the filters selected. 

BC- Auto-populate Filter with multiple conditions.gif


When a filtered condition involves columns or conditions that are not supported by the automatic filtering, the new item will disappear out of the filtered view, and a banner will appear with the option to "Bring it back". The item will continually be filtered out until the data in the columns matches the filters selected. 

BC- Bring it back.gif


Note: The automatic filtering only supports filters based on "is" or "and" logic. Any other filtered conditions will not result in automatic filtering. 


Understanding the conditions

The advanced filter offers a lot of condition options, with even more to come in the future. Use the key below as a guide to understanding what each one does for our most commonly used columns. Each column type will result in different options:








Hiding columns from your board

On top of adding filters to your board, we also offer the amazing ability to hide columns. This will allow you to see exactly what you need in just one glance. Check out this article to learn how it works!



If you have any questions, please reach out to our team right here. We’re available 24/7 and happy to help.