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monday.com's public IP addresses


The monday.com global network utilizes multiple IP ranges to serve content and initiate TCP/TLS connections with third parties and on-premise integrations. This allows us to support our architecture's redundancy and security and can better allow customers to manage their network access to monday.com.


Who can benefit from this information?

We make this information public for network and IT administrators who wish to whitelist monday.com's servers on their firewalls and network choke points. This is particularly useful if you are looking to implement webhook-based on-premise integrations such as Jira and custom monday.com apps.


monday.com's egress (outbound) IP addresses


CIDR notation  IP range - - -


We use these IP addresses to send requests, usually in the form of webhooks, from our internal networks to external ones. When our servers reach out to your on-premise system, the connection will originate from one of these IP ranges.

To ensure monday.com's integrations and apps can reach your hosted application or on-premise network, make sure to whitelist these IP ranges.


We fully own and control these IPs. monday.com is a RIPE NCC official member. You can rest assured that traffic coming into your network from these ranges will always originate from monday.com's networks.


Can I whitelist your ingress (inbound) IP addresses?

monday.com uses Cloudflare as a first line of defense for our networks against a variety of attacks and to ensure the high availability of our resources. We also use CloudFront and Fastly CDNs to serve static assets. For that reason, we cannot commit to having static IPs that never change.
You can use a tool like dig to resolve the IP addresses of your own slug, as well as cdn.monday.com. While these addresses change rarely, they do change from time to time.




If you have any questions, please reach out to our team right here. We’re available 24/7 and happy to help.