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Mailchimp Integration


Integrate Mailchimp with monday.com to instantly update your mailing lists and seamlessly get statistics about campaign performance right inside of your boards! 🎉

Manage your campaigns from one place, sync leads and subscribers, get notifications and stats on sent campaigns. 

Adding the Mailchimp integration

To add an Integration, go to the board you want to create an integration for and click on the Integrate button located on the upper right of your screen. Group 64 - 2024-11-04T124200.836.png


From the Automation center, search for the Mailchimp integration or click on the integration banner:Group 64 - 2024-11-05T180652.743.png


Once you click on the Mailchimp integration banner you will find the templates our integration offers:Screenshot 2024-11-05 at 18.09.32 1.png


Note: The first template, "When an email is added to this column, create a contact in this list" will also trigger if you make a change to an existing email in the Email Column.


Once you click on one of the templates you will be asked to enter connect your monday.com account with your Mailchimp account:Screenshot 2024-11-05 at 18.11.32 1.png


You will then need to log in using your Mailchimp credentials:Screenshot 2024-11-05 at 18.12.20 1.png

Next, you'll have to authorize monday.com to access your Mailchimp account by clicking on Allow:Screenshot 2024-11-05 at 18.13.32 1.png


You have successfully connected your account to Mailchimp. Now you can get busy building templates to communicate efficiently with your team!


Using the templates

Once you've chosen one of the four templates and connected your Mailchimp account, you will arrive to the integration window. Now you can keep track of your campaigns and seamlessly relay information between the two platforms. Fill in the template and then choose update automation!Screenshot 2024-11-05 at 18.15.17 1.png


Note: The template above will only add an email to a Mailchimp list. Therefore, if you have other required fields in Mailchimp (also known as "merge fields") in the contacts of that list, then the template will not work.


Template use cases

When contact is subscribed to this list, create an item in this group:

This is a great way to manage all of your mailing lists in one place and stay on top of all activities associated with them! First, begin by choosing the list in MailChimp you want to keep track of. You can then choose which group to add them to in monday.com, for example, new subscribers, contacted leads, etc. Screenshot 2024-11-05 at 18.17.27 1.png


When someone subscribes to this list, it will appear as a new item in the designated group. 


Some time after a campaign was sent, create an item with statistics in this group

This is extremely helpful to measure the effectiveness of your campaigns, so you can instantly make adjustments in real time! First, start by deciding when to measure the campaign. It can be hours, days, or weeks after. Screenshot 2024-11-05 at 18.18.53 1.png


Note: You can set up multiple automations, so you can continuously track different stages of the campaign. 


You can then choose the mailing list from Mailchimp and the group of monday.com to post the statistics within. The statistics will post in the updates section of the item.


Want more examples? Check out more use cases for the Mailchimp integration.


More assistance

If you need help building custom integrations, we also have an option for paid assistance through our network of certified monday.com partners. You can consult and hire their services directly through our professional services online store.




If you have any questions, please reach out to our team right here. We’re available 24/7 and happy to help.