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Get started with monday automations


Ever feel like you're doing too much manual work? Then we've got just the tool for you!

monday Automations are a no-code way to tell monday.com to automatically complete a task or a process. You can set up an automation once, and every time the trigger occurs, the action you designate will be completed.

There are a variety of automation capabilities available to suit your needs. Read on to learn more!


Learn the lingo

Every automation has a trigger, a condition, and an action (or multiple!).

Show me the definitions for these
  • Trigger: an event you choose which sets the automation into motion.
  • Condition: a requirement that the trigger must meet in order for the automation to work.
  • Action: an event that occurs as a result of the trigger and condition being met.


Add an automation

When adding an automation, you'll have the option to customize your own template or to choose from a pre-made automation template.

To create a custom automation, click on the Automate button on the top right corner of your screen. Then click on Add custom automation:

download (48).gif


Now time to customize! 🎉


Choose a trigger

The first step in building your automation is to click on "When this happens" to pick a trigger. You can then choose a trigger from the options presented in the dropdown menu.

A trigger can be a column from your board (like Status, People, Date, etc.) or an action or event (like item created, every time period, etc.):

Screenshot 2024-08-14 at 17.35.16 1 (1).png


In the example above, we've chosen the trigger to be "When a date arrives". Now it's time to select the condition for this trigger.


Select a condition

Depending on the trigger you've picked in step one, you will then need to select a condition. In this example, we want to trigger an action when a particular date arrives and only if the Status Column changes to "Working on it".

download (52).gif


Note: The labels displayed correspond to the labels of the Status Column selected from your board.


If you'd like to specify additional conditions in your template, simply click on the plus sign next to the condition that you set and choose another one.


Set an action

Now that the first part of our automation is ready, it is time to choose an action for it. Click on the grey "Then do this" field to choose from the available options.

For our automation, we chose the "notify someone" action, as shown below:download (53).gif


To finish up, customize the exact action that will occur by clicking into the underlined field.

We chose the "notify" field to customize the notification message that will be sent, and we'll choose who will receive this automatic notification by clicking into the "someone" field. download (54).gif


Our automation is now ready! Click on the blue Create Automation button to finish your setup.


Multi-step automations

If you're looking to create longer and more complex automation flows, you can add multiple different actions onto a single automation template.

To do this, simply click on the plus sign to the right of the action you already set, choose the additional action, and then fill out the underlined fields.



Note: To learn more about automation actions and how they may affect pricing, see the Automation and Integration Actions article.


Delete an automation

Need to delete an automation on your board?  Click on Board automations at the top panel of the Automation center. Click on the three dots to the right of the template you would like to delete, click Delete Automation from the drop-down menu and then click on Delete permanently. download (55).gif


Note: Deleted automations cannot be restored and have to be recreated. To deactivate an automation without permanently deleting it, use the toggle button to the right of the automation, and switch it to "Off".  


The below column types are currently not supported in the "notify" field of a notification automation:

Show me the columns
  • Auto Number
  • Progress
  • Dependency
  • Connect Boards

The below column types are currently not supported in any automations, including in the mapping of an item:          

Show me the columns
  • Tags
  • Mirror
  • Dropdown
  • Time Tracking
  • Dependency
  • Link to Item
  • Location
  • World Clock
  • Phone
  • File
  • Week
  • Link
  • Country
  • Team
  • Vote



If you have any questions, please reach out to our team right here. We’re available 24/7 and happy to help.