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monday workdocs



At monday.com, we work best when things are organized clearly and visually. This is why we have created monday workdocs! Workdocs are a central place for you and your team to collaborate, brainstorm, plan, and execute. Forget the notebook, close Google Docs, and toss away all your sticky notes—let's learn how to master monday workdocs together! 📝 


Tip: Using monday workdocs on your mobile app? Be sure to check out this article for tips and tricks exclusive to workdocs on mobile!


What is a workdoc?

Think of it as a flexible, multi-media whiteboard where you and your team can record all notes and ideas related to one central topic. By adding individual elements to your workdoc, all your loose thoughts and ideas can come together in one place, right inside monday.com, where all the rest of your work is stored.   


Add a workdoc

You can add a new workdoc just as you would add a new board or dashboard! 

Show me how to add a workdoc
  • Step 1 - From within the workspace you'd like to create the workdoc in, click "+"
  • Step 2 - Select "New Doc"
  • Step 3 - Type the name of your workdoc into the first field
  • Step 4 - Select the type of workdoc
  • Step 5 - Click "create workdoc"




Types of workdocs

Just like boards and dashboards, there are three types of workdocs:

Show me the three types of workdocs
  • Main workdoc- Main workdocs are visible to anyone who is a team member within your account. A team member can be an admin, a member, or a viewer. To learn more about the difference between each type, check out this article. Anything you will create in this workdoc will be accessible and transparent to your team members.
  • Private workdoc  - Private workdocs can only be seen by the person who created the workdoc and by the specific team members they invite to join the workdoc. Private workdocs are only for internal users (viewers and team members), meaning that you cannot invite guests to them.
  • Shareable workdoc - Shareable workdocs are used when you want to share a workdoc with people outside your team or company, such as clients, interns, or freelancers. You can invite these people as guests within your account in order to collaborate with them. When you invite a guest to a Shareable workdoc, they will only have access to the specific workdoc they have been invited to, and will not have access to any other information within your account. You can also invite viewers or team members to your Shareable workdoc. 


Invite team members

To invite team members or guests, click the "Share" button at the top right corner of your screen:




Next, type in the name of the team member you'd like to add or the email address of a guest you'd like to invite if you've chosen a shareable workdoc.


You can turn any workdoc member into an owner by clicking the gray crown icon beside their name to turn it blue! An owner is, by default, the person who created the workdoc and someone who the creator has crowned as an additional owner. Like a board, only the workdoc owner can crown other owners and delete or duplicate the workdoc. 




Tip: Workdocs allow you to collaborate with hundreds of team members in a smooth and effective way! Try sharing your doc across your organization to help streamline your workflows.


Create a shareable public link

Generate a link to a secure, read-only version of your workdocs to share with people external to your monday.com account. 



Read this article to learn more about shareable links, how they differ from workdocs within your account, and how we work hard to protect your account's sensitive data. 


Edit permissions

There are two different types of edit permissions that you can implement in your workdoc:

  • Only doc owners - Only workdoc owners (members with a blue crown beside their name) can make edits to the docs.
  • Everyone who has access to this workdoc - Every account member with access to this workdoc can make edits. This means that if it is a main workdoc, anyone with access to the workspace it was created in can make edits. If it is a private or shareable workdoc, any member of the workdoc will be able to make edits. 


You can change these permissions easily by clicking the "Share" button and then selecting one of the two options at the bottom of the pop-up window, as shown in the image above. Click here to read more about workdoc permissions. 


Doc style

Customize your doc's header, layout, font style and size from the doc style store! Open it up in a menu on the right side of your screen by clicking the "Style" icon in your header:


Check out the different font styles, adjust the page width and layout, and add a background color! You can reset to the default settings by clicking "Reset" in the top right corner of the menu. 


Note: You can choose to add a cover image to your workdoc by selecting an image from the monday.com library, Unsplash library or uploading your own image from your computer. 


Generate text with AI Assistant

Needing to create a summary of your workdoc to highlight the keypoints? With monday AI Assistant this can be done with a single click. The AI Assistant will gather data from your doc and create a concise overview for you. 


Click on the AI Assistant button on the top panel of your workdoc. From here you can choose to summarize your workdoc by selecting "Summarize", and then selecting "Generate". You can then choose  to add this text to your doc, selecting "+ Add to doc" at the button right-hand corner of the text box. 


AI Summary.gif


Beyond creating a summary, our IA Assistant can also generate any text for you to add to your doc. To do this, select the AI Assistant button, and choose "Write with AI". Once the text box is opened, you can request the AI Assistant to generate any information you require. 

Write with AI .gif


For more information on AI Assistant capabilities read the "Get started: monday AI" article. 


Collaborate with team members 

Communicating effectively with your team has never been easier with monday workdocs! You can "@ mention" anyone with access to your workdoc to collaborate seamlessly right in context. 

Comment on specific content within your Doc, comment within the Updates Section, or add annotations on images and files and see your team's collaboration flourish in the process! Click here for more information.


Easily organize with a table of contents

It's simpler than ever to keep your workdoc organized using the table of contents! It will be generated automatically from all of the headings in your workdoc. To add or remove a table, simply toggle on or off in the style menu. 

Once you've added a table of contents, you can open and collapse it freely using the arrow to the left just below your workdoc's header. 



Tip: Click on any of the headings in your table of contents to jump straight to that section in your workdoc!


Create new items from text

What better way is there to connect workdocs to your workflow than to turn your text into items on any board as you type? Take a look at this section of our workdoc text and elements article to learn more!




Version history 

Version history allows you to see the progression of your workdocs and gives you the ability to restore the workdoc to older versions. Being able to see all the changes made to a workdoc and being able to restore to previous versions gives you the transparency and flexibility your team needs to stay in the loop with each other!  Click here for more information.


Docs on file 

Connect docs across boards, create new docs, and even access your own Doc templates in your Files Column with Docs on file. This feature will bring your collaboration abilities to the next level! Click here for more information.

Note: You won't find this workdoc within your workstation where your other workdocs, boards, and dashboards are stored. This workdoc will be exclusively located within the item on your individual board.





If you have any questions, please reach out to our team right here. We’re available 24/7 and happy to help.