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How to import your leads to monday.com


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Who is this guide for:
Many of the features mentioned in this article are only available on monday sales CRM


When working with monday as a CRM, following your leads is of the utmost importance. In order to make sure none of your leads slip through the cracks, you'll want to make sure they're all logged in one designated board. Since we know that sometimes your leads are generated from several different sources, we've compiled this comprehensive guide on importing your leads. 



Integrate your apps and websites

If you have leads in other platforms, you can continue to reference them while effortlessly compiling information in your leads board. Check out some of the following monday integrations to merge your leads seamlessly and automatically into your board.



Facebook is an excellent tool to to manage your campaigns and collect leads. With the Facebook Ads Integration, you can use merge those leads into your monday.com leads board. 



HubSpot is a software platform used for sales, customer service, marketing as well as a CRM. When it is integrated into monday.com, you can have all your leads, contacts and companies managed in your leads board.



Pipedrive is a cloud-based sales software that helps you organize your customer relations management. Integrate Pipedrive into your monday.com account to reflect on all of your insights right within your leads board. 



Copper is a CRM tool within G-suite, but all leads collected there can be added automatically into your monday.com leads board when the Copper Integration is activated. All future updates in Copper will be automatically synced in your leads board!



Salesforce is a sales process management tool that helps you to track leads and manage your sales process from start to finish. When integrated into monday.com, you can track all of those leads and view automatically synced changes right within your leads board. 


Utilize monday Forms

A great way to collect incoming leads in one place is to use a monday Form. Anyone with a link to the form can access the form and fill it out. Once the form is filled out, the information is transformed into a lead on the board and the data collected is filled into the relevant columns.


Learn more about monday Forms here


Import from Excel

If you have leads listed in an Excel sheet, you can easily import them into your leads board with a few clicks. Simply click the blue "Add" button, "Import items", and then you can browse your computer or drag and drop files straight into the pop-up window!


Show me how to import my leads from an Excel spreadsheet
  • Click the arrow beside the blue "New Item" button at the top of your leads board and select "Import Items" from the dropdown menu.
  • Drag your Excel or CSV file into the frame or choose "click to browse" to select the document from your computer and click "Next".
  • Choose the column from your Excel document that you would like to appear as the item name on your leads board
  • Map out the rest of the columns in your Excel document to the columns on your leads board. 


To learn more about importing leads from Excel to monday sales CRM, take a look at this article


Add them in batches

You can easily input your leads manually into your board on an ongoing basis, but if you have a list of leads elsewhere, you can add them in batches instead of one by one. 

Simply copy the list of leads into your clipboard and paste it into a new item! It's important to note that this will only import the name of your lead, and the rest of the columns must be filled in manually afterwards. If any of the leads share column values, you can use batch actions to fill them out quickly!


Click here to learn more about how to add and edit many items at once. 



If you have any questions, please reach out to our team right here. We’re available 24/7 and happy to help.