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Trigger Automations with a mirror column


Are you working with a mirrored Status Column and would like to use it as an automation trigger on your board? If so, here's what you need to know!


Automations- Mirror Column.png


Automation combinations that support mirrored status columns

The following automations are able to be triggered through a mirrored Status Column:

  • When status changes from something to something else, notify someone
  • When status changes to something, stop time tracking
  • When status changes to something start time tracking
  • When status changes to something, set due date to current date plus some days
  • When status changes to something, set due date to current date
  • When status changes to something, start time tracking. When it changes to something stop
  • When status changes to something, change another status to something

Adding an automation

To add an automation to your board, click on the automation button in the top right-hand corner of your board. From the Automation centre you can search for your desired automation either by category on the left-hand side, or via the search bar at the top of the page. 
Add an Automation.gif
Note: For more information on adding or creating automations read our article on monday.com Automations 

Is this supported for multi-board mirroring?

Great question! At the moment, we're afraid that automations are not supported through Status Columns that utilize multi-board mirroring.

Are mirrored Status Columns supported in custom automations?

Not at this time! However, we do plan on supporting it in the future, so stay tuned. 🎉



If you have any questions, please reach out to our team right here. We’re available 24/7 and happy to help.