Are you looking to connect your inbox with your workflows? With the Outlook integration, you can transform emails into action items, and automatically align everyone to stay seamlessly connected.
Important notes before you begin
Before you get started, there are a few details to take note of:
- You must have a Microsoft 365 Business Premium license to use this integration. If you do not have this type of license, you will receive an error message when setting up this integration.
- This integration only works if you have a Microsoft online exchange inbox and not on Premise. To check which type of inbox your account has, please visit this site. If you're able to connect, then you have an online exchange account, but if you're unable to connect and receive an error message, you don't have an online exchange account and won't be able to use this integration.
- This integration does not sync retroactively. The integration will only sync meetings and events created after the integration is created.
Add it to your workflow
To add the Integration, go to the board you want to create an Integration for and click on the Integration button, located on the upper right of your screen. From there, select the Outlook integration banner. Once you click on the Outlook banner you will find the templates the integration offers:
Then you can select the integration you wish to use.
Connect your Outlook account
Once you click on one of the templates you will be asked to connect your account with your Outlook account:
Next, choose the email account you want to associate with You have successfully connected your account to Outlook. Now you can get busy building templates to communicate efficiently with your team.
Will my Outlook account integrate with
In Outlook, click on the Settings icon on the top right corner and then click on Account. Locate the Email account tab: if your email is placed next to a Microsoft 365 icon, then the email account will successfully integrate with monday.
Using multiple email addresses
The Outlook integration supports multiple emails! You can define multiple emails in a Text Column separated by ";" and the email will be sent to each of those emails separately.
For example in this template:
Choose the Email (column) option from the resulting menu and then choose a text column:
You can define the values (the email addresses) of the Text column as follows: " ; "
The integration will send an email to both &
Does the email integration support files?
Currently, the email integration does not support files. That being said, if you want to send files to your account, we do have a workaround. You can send a file to a board or to an item (in the updates section). Check out the Email to board article to learn the step by step process.
How to unsync Outlook from monday
If you're an admin you can remove the Outlook connection from monday directly from here.
Permission scope
Why are we asking for permission to access your information?
Permission scopes are a way to define and control what an application can access or do on behalf of a user when integrating with another service. They specify the types of data and actions the integration is allowed to access or perform.
When you connect two services, one service might need access to certain information from the other to function properly. Permission scopes ensure that the integration only has access to the specific data it needs to perform its tasks, such as reading calendar events or creating tasks, without accessing unrelated data. This helps protect your privacy by limiting the integration's access to only what is necessary for its intended functionality.
More information on Security & IT
For more information on security and IT related to the Outlook Integration, take a look at the questions in the Security & IT: Outlook Integration article.
If you have any questions, please reach out to our team right here. We’re available 24/7 and happy to help.