As a admin, the ability to quickly and easily manage the users on your account is crucial to ensure that you are able to keep your account organized and functioning at its best. For this reason, the user tab in the administration section of your account has recently been revamped with a brand new user management section!
Read on to learn all about it. 🙌
How to locate it
To access the user management section, click on your profile picture and select Administration. From the administration section of your account, click on Users on the left side.
Voila! This will take you to our brand new user management section where you'll be able to perform all the actions mentioned below in this article. 🌟
Filtering users
Whether you are looking to manage the details of a certain user, to show only guests, to display a list of users that are pending or more, you may want to filter the users shown on the user management section. This will be especially important the more users that you have on your account!
To filter the user management section, you can either use the search bar to locate a user or click on the Filter button to filter by their user type or status.
Deactivating or re-activating a user
It can be useful to deactivate a user from your account if a member has left the team, or if you accidentally have a duplicated user on your account with different email addresses associated with them!
To deactivate a user on your account, locate the desired user and press on the three-dot menu on the right side. From the resulting menu, select Deactivate user.
After clicking on Deactivate user as shown above, the deactivated user will no longer have access to the account that they were previously a part of.
It is important to keep in mind that deactivating a user will deactivate all the automations and integrations that they've created. You can, however, transfer ownership of automations to active account members in order to keep their automations running on the account!
If you attempt to deactivate a user with active automations on their account, the following screen will pop up allowing you to select a new owner of their automations:
What happens to deactivated members?
Once a team member has been deactivated, please keep in mind the following:
- Deactivated users will be greyed out and appear as inactive, but will still be assigned to the tasks they were assigned to and their updates posted will remain on items:
- Private and shareable boards will become inaccessible if the user was the sole board owner. An admin of the account can transfer board ownership within the Administration section as shown here to gain access to the boards.
- Main boards will remain accessible and an admin of the account can claim ownership from the subscribers dialogue or Administration section explained above.
- Automations and integrations created by the deactivated user will be disabled. An admin of the account can transfer automation ownership within the Administration section as shown here.
- Workspaces created by a deactivated user will remain active. An admin of the account can claim ownership of the workspace from the workspace page.
To reactivate a user who has been deactivated, you can filter by user status to show inactive users only or use the search bar to locate the deactivated user.
From there, select on the three-dot menu at the right side and press Activate user.
Permanently deleting a user
If you want to permanently delete a user's information, that given user must first be deactivated. Once they have been deactivated, follow the same steps above to display only inactive users or search for the relevant user. From there, click on the three dot menu to the right of their name and press Delete user details.
After pressing on Delete user details, a pop-up screen will appear in which you can confirm if you'd like this user to be fully deleted from your account and edit how their name will be presented in your account once they've been deleted. If you'd like to proceed, press on the Delete member button.
What happens to fully deleted users?
It is important to note, deleted users cannot be restored. This means, even if the same user is re-added to an account with the same email address after they have been fully deleted from an account, there will be no connection between the deleted users' details and the new one.
With this said, once a user has been permanently deleted, please keep in mind the following:
- The deleted user's personal details (i.e. name, email address, title, etc.) will be fully removed from the account. However, the content they've created such as boards, items, and updates they wrote, for example, will remain on the account anonymously.
- Any place where this user's icon used to appear (i.e. when assigned to an item, in an update they posted, in the "last seen" icon at the top of the board, etc.) will be changed to show a general grey icon (shown in image below).
Additionally, any place where this user's name used to appear (i.e. when hovering over their icon in the People column, in an update they posted or were tagged in, etc.) will now appear as "Deleted member" unless you've configured their name to be displayed otherwise.
- If the deleted user was a board owner, their ownership will be removed as soon as they were deleted. You can read more here on how to reclaim or transfer the ownership of a board.
- Any automations created by this user will be deactivated. In order to reactivate their automations, the ownership of this user's automations will need to be transferred to an active user. You can read more on how to do this here.
How to change a user's type
To change a user's type (also known as "role"), locate the user and click on their current user type to the right of their name under the User role column. From the resulting menu, select the type of user (Admin, Member, Viewer or Guest), or a custom role, which you'd like to change them to.
To read all about the different user types that we offer, check out this article.
Manage departments on the account
If your organization is split up into multiple different departments, you can now easily add the departments that you have within your company and then assign each user to the relevant one. Using this feature, keeping your account organized and understanding the breakdown of each department by number of users has never been easier!
To create a new department, click into the Departments tab within the user management section and then select the blue Add department button. Then, all you have to do is rename the newly added department and you are good to go. 🙌
Once you've added departments, it's time to assign them to the relevant users! Simply return back to the Users tab and locate the relevant user. Under the Department column, click into the dropdown and select the specific department that you'd like to assign them to, as shown below.
From the Departments tab, you can also allocate a specific number seats for each department. By doing so, it will be easy to know how many seats each department has reserved, assigned, and available, and you can also see at a glance if a department is using more or less seats than intended.
To reserve a specific number of seats for a department, click into the Departments tab of the user management section and edit the number to the right of a given department under the Reserved seats column. Now, each time you assign a department to someone, it will deduct it from the amount of reserved seats that you set!
Add or remove users from a team
From the Teams column within the user management section, you can easily view and manage the team(s) which each user is a part of!
To add a user to a team, simply click into the Teams column and then choose a team (or multiple!) that you'd like to add that user to. Conversely, you can remove a user from a team by clicking into the Teams column and then clicking on the "x" to the right of the team that they are already a part of.
Make changes to multiple users at once
If you're looking to edit the user type of multiple people simultaneously, start by ticking the box to the left of their names. Then, use the panel at the bottom of the screen to change the user type (admin, member, guest, viewer) or status (activate, deactivate) of the selected users.
Similarly, to add or remove multiple users from a team at once, simply select the box to the left of the user's names and then click on Manage teams on the bottom pane. From here, select the team that you'd like to add or remove the users to/from, and then the change will be made for all of the selected users!
When changing the user type/status of multiple people at once, there are a few important things to keep in mind. Read below to learn more. ⬇️
When changing user type, the following actions are not supported:
- Changing a user to Guest if that user has the same email domain as the rest of the account.
- Changing a user to Guest if the user's email domain is part of the guest domain blacklist, or not in the whitelist. You can read more about this here.
- Changing an admin to non-admin of a user that has SCIM tokens associated with them. You can read more about this here.
When changing user status, the following actions are not supported:
- Changing the status of a user when they are still pending (haven't accepted their invitation yet).
- Deactivation of an admin that has SCIM tokens associated with them. You can read more about this here.
General things to keep in mind:
- You cannot include yourself in the batch actions.
- You can select and change the user type or status of up to 200 users. Using the "Select all" button will select the first 200 users that appear on the table.
Changing a user's email address
If you are the admin of your account, you can now easily edit another user's email address directly from the user management section! To do so, simply click on the three-dot menu to the right of the user's name and press Edit email address:
From the resulting pop-up screen, enter in the user's new email address and press Change email address to proceed:
Once complete, the user will receive a confirmation email to the newly entered address which they must accept within three days in order to complete this change. In the event that the user does not confirm the email within three days, their email address will not be changed in your account.
If you'd like to replace a user with someone else altogether, you can first change their email address as described above, and then click on their name and Edit profile to edit the rest of their details accordingly.
You can also bulk edit the email domains of multiple selected users at the same time to easily and efficiently change them to the one you wish them to have!
To do this, simply click on the small box to the left of the desired user names, and select Email domain from the selection pane that appears at the bottom of the screen. Next, enter the new email domain and click on Change email domain. Finally, after the users confirm this selected change on their end, you'll be all set!
Bulk change user emails from CSV
Are you looking to change the email addresses of many users at once on your account? Do you have a CSV file with the necessary changes ready to go? If so, you're in luck! You can now instantly perform a bulk change of user email addresses by uploading a CSV file that contains the needed changes. 🙌
To get started, click on the three-dot menu at the top right of the user management section and select Import data from CSV. Next, click on the blue Upload button, or drag and drop the CSV file from your computer onto the screen that appears.
After you've uploaded your CSV file, all you have to do is select the column from your CSV file which contains the current email addresses of the users on your account. Then, select the column from your CSV file which indicates the new email addresses that you'd like to change the old ones to. Once completed, click on Start import and you're ready to go!
Editing a user's profile
As an account admin, you also have the ability to edit some information of another user's profile. To do so, simply locate the user and select on their profile photo. One done, click to edit their profile as so:
Clicking into the Notifications tab here will allow you to edit this user's notifications settings.
View user's last activity date
To easily understand when each user was last active on your account, check out the Last Active column in the user management section! By hovering over Last Active, you'll see two small arrows appear which allow you to sort the user list by their last activity date in ascending or descending order.
No more guess when each user last accessed your account, as you can now easily see this information directly within the user management section. 🙌
Export user details to CSV
Looking to download the entire list of users from your account to Excel or CSV, including the information that they've included within their profile? If so, this can be done by clicking the button with three dots next to the Invite button, and then selecting Download CSV from the dropdown menu.
If you have any questions, please reach out to our team right here. We’re available 24/7 and happy to help.