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How to cancel a free trial


If you're wondering how to end your trial, you've come to the right place. Read on to learn more.


How to cancel your trial

Note: Only admins can cancel an account. To cancel your account, please use the web version of monday.com. 


Click on your profile picture and choose "Admin" from the menu.



Select "Billing" from the menu on the left and then click "Cancel my account" at the bottom right-hand corner.


You will be asked to select a reason for canceling from the drop-down list. You will also have the option to provide further details and feedback.


Note: Closing your account means that your team will not be able to access their boards or any work in progress. 




To continue, click "Close account".


That's it! Your account is officially closed.


What happens to my data if I cancel?

Once you cancel your trial, you will be able to decide whether or not you would like to keep your account's data to access it later or if you would like to delete it. To delete your data, select "Delete my account data".


Currently, our policy is to keep all data available by default so that it will be available if you want to access it later. However, we can not guarantee that we will continue this practice indefinitely. We reserve the right to delete data from an inactive account at any time. 

Note: Once an account is completely deleted, it cannot be reversed. If you'd like a backup of your work, we recommend you export your boards to Excel before canceling.


How can I unsubscribe from emails?

If an email happens to sneak through, please click the "Unsubscribe" button at the bottom of that email. This should prevent you from receiving any future emails from us. 


Well wishes!

We're sorry to hear that you won't be continuing with monday.com, and we'd love to know if there's anything we can do to improve and potentially continue working with you. Reach out to our support team with any feedback. We hope you will check us out again in the future!




If you have any questions, please reach out to our team right here. We’re available 24/7 and happy to help.