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Introducing mondayDB



mondayDB is the data infrastructure behind our WorkOS that was built to drive your best work. mondayDB adapts to your largest, most complex work scenarios, allowing you to build and manage workflows at scale, without being limited by performance constraints. 💥


How it works

mondayDB is a database architecture that gives you limitless flexibility and adapts to your growing needs. In short, it was built from the group up to support a larger scale of boards and dashboards at speed, extend our public API and data manipulation capabilities, and support countless new use cases and custom workflows.



Release timeline

This is just the beginning! Following our initial release of mondayDB on June 23, 2023, you can expect the release timeline to look as following for our upcoming mondayDB features:

mondayDB New Graphic.png


Note: The timeline above outlines current plans, however, it is not a commitment.
Plans may change at monday.com’s sole discretion.


Capabilities it provides

mondayDB provides loads of capabilities to help speed up your work and make your experience using monday.com as smooth as can be. These include: 

  • Major performance improvements: With mondayDB's separate storage and compute layers, you can enjoy improved speed across billions of boards that support your growth and your most complex workflows.
  • Elasticity at scale: mondayDB supports your unique needs and adapts to the way you work best as you continue to add users, data tables, and query volume by having the ability to store, retrieve, and query any data type.
  • Ability to perform complex queries, quickly: With mondayDB, since data from boards is stored in both row and columnar databases, it can select which queries to run based on the required manipulation, resulting in a high throughput of queries and low latency on any combination of tables.
  • Real-time data updates: Throughout any board or dashboard, changes are immediately available for queries whenever they are made, allowing for automations and integrations to be run in real time.
  • Endless customization possibilities: mondayDB takes the monday.com open API to a whole new level — multi-level mirror linkage, filters, aggregations, and formula calculations will now be supported. This allows developers to build any app, solution, or software they need on top of the monday.com platform.


Tip: Check out our full landing page to learn more in depth about mondayDB!


mondayDB on boards

With the new mondayDB engine on boards, you can enjoy a much faster board loading experience and smoother performance overall. This is currently released to 100% of users on all board types!


mondayDB on dashboards

mondayDB on your dashboards results in dramatically faster and smoother performance of your dashboards.


Dashboards are upgraded to the new data engine automatically, however, you can also choose to revert to the old dashboard engine should you wish. To do this, click on the three-dot menu at the top right of your dashboard and select "Go back to old dashboard engine" as shown below. 

Group 1 - 2023-12-11T142801.664.png

Tip: We'd love to hear about your experience using mondayDB on dashboards! You can use this form provide us with your feedback.


mondayDB on the API

In correlation with the mondayDB changes that we made to the main monday.com platform, we’ve also upgraded the data engine powering our API to align with these improvements. 🙌

The timeline for our mondayDB API release can be found below: 

image 1 - 2023-09-27T122108.371.png


Additionally, you can check out our resources below to dive into all things mondayDB on the API:


mondayDB on mobile

At the moment, mondayDB is not yet available on mobile. It will be available very soon in gradual release, starting with iOS and later on with Android!


Increasing platform limits with mondayDB 2.0

We're very proud and excited to announce the increase of the number of items available in our boards and dashboards for Enterprise accounts! Thanks to the power of mondayDB 2.0, you will now be able build bigger boards and dashboards than ever before, thus enabling more robust workflows so that you and your team can tackle anything that comes your way. 🙌


Note: For Enterprise accounts, read our article on mondayDB 2.0 to learn more about increased limits on your account. 



  • What is it, in a nutshell? 

mondayDB is our new underlying data architecture, serving the monday.com Work OS platform and ecosystem. mondayDB is built from the ground up to support a larger scale of boards and dashboards at speed, extend our public API and data manipulation capabilities, and support countless new use cases and custom workflows.


  • Will mondayDB be available for all customers?

Yes. Its impact will be most significant on load-time for large boards and dashboards; when using filtering, aggregation, and automation capabilities on large data sets.


  • What other effects can I expect from mondayDB except for its impact on boards and dashboards?

Initially, only boards and dashboards will be affected. However, during 2024, mondayDB will improve the entirety of the Work OS platform, including automations, integrations, and API.


  • Will this release include functionality change as well?

Initial releases will improve performance and scale for existing features. Later releases will add new layers of functionality by extending the monday.com open API. 


  • Will mondayDB cost money?

All mondayDB enhancements related to performance on all areas of the platform (boards, dashboards, API, and mobile) are free of charge! In the future there is the possibility that additional functionalities that haven't been developed yet will require payment.


If you have any questions, please reach out to our team right here. We’re available 24/7 and happy to help.